The book "Prekaryanın Görünmeyen Özneleri: Pandemi Döneminde Sanatçılar", which was released as a result of a voluntary initiative during the quarantine days and distributed free of charge in print and PDF format, consists of two parts. The first part is a detailed research report examining the climate of precariousness experienced by artists during the pandemic; The second part is a comprehensive article about the collective artistic productions and solidarity practices that emerged in the same period.
As Baht team, we supported this work, which aims to raise awareness about the insecurity in the art environment and to lay the groundwork for future research, and we prepared
the design and typesetting of the book.

The research report “Prekaryanın Görünmeyen Özneleri: Pandemi Döneminde Sanatçılar” is based on a survey conducted by researcher/editor Eda Yiğit with 150 artists, most of whom work in the field of contemporary art, which was reached through an open call between August 16 and September 16, 2020. Within the scope of the survey, it focuses on the changes in the lives of the artists, who can be described as “precariat”, who are deprived of social security and sustainable economic resources, during the first wave of the epidemic, the transformation of their artistic production and their fragility processes.



According to the results of the research;

43% of them are in the income group of 2000 TL and below, which means below the hunger limit
31% of them have no social security
58% of them have no property
64% of them need economic support (parents, grandparents, partner, other relatives, fund, scholarship, SGK)

80% of them have to work at another job
13% of them have to work more than 45 hours per a week
36% of them do not have an art studio
83% of them are not represented by a gallery/company/record company

Instead of seeing precarity as an enigma to be watched from afar and all artists as if they have the same class position, the study proposes to rescue them from their taken-for-granted obscurity. The author sees this book as a humble effort to reflect on artists as precariat and analyze precarity in the field of art.
For free access to the report:
Eda Yiğit
e-posta: edayigi@gmail.com
Şener Soysal (Baht. Design Studio)
Gonca Mutaf, Hilal Topkaraoğlu (Baht. Design Studio)
Orhan Cem Çetin
Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi
